Donut Waste is thrilled to announce that we were highly commended at this prestigious event. We want to extend our heartfelt gratitude to all our partners, supporters, and the WasteSorted Awards for this recognition.

The 2023 WasteSorted Awards are an annual event that acknowledges individuals, businesses, government entities, schools, community organizations, and not-for-profits that have demonstrated outstanding commitment to reducing waste and advancing the goals outlined in Western Australia’s Waste Strategy. This year, a total of 37 finalists across 10 different categories were selected out of over 100 nominations. The full list of winners and finalists and more information on the WasteSorted Awards is available here.
Our gratitude to partners and supporters
We are immensely grateful for the support of our partners who have played a crucial role in our journey towards waste reduction. We’d like to extend our appreciation to:
1. Workpower: Workpower is an incredible organization that employs people with disabilities and has been instrumental in helping us sort and clean beer clips. Their dedication to this cause is commendable, and we’re proud to have them as our partner.
2. Cafes and businesses: Many cafes and businesses have joined us in our mission to save coffee grounds from ending up in landfills. Their commitment to this cause is truly inspiring, and we thank them for their support.
3. Collection Points: Our collection points, including bottle shops and recycling centres, have played a pivotal role in supporting our efforts to collect and recycle beer clips. We are thankful for their collaboration and commitment to reducing waste.

Winner of Closing the Loop category: Ashburton Aboriginal Corporation
Donut Waste is thrilled to share the spotlight with Ashburton Aboriginal Corporation, a well-deserved winner in the “Closing the Loop” category at the 2023 WasteSorted Awards. Their mission is truly remarkable, focusing on establishing and maintaining an environment that benefits Aboriginal people throughout the Pilbara region. Their commitment to creating culturally appropriate employment, enterprise opportunities, and the provision of education and training services is not only admirable but also incredibly impactful.
We extend our warmest congratulations to Ashburton Aboriginal Corporation for their outstanding work in promoting sustainability and providing invaluable opportunities for Aboriginal communities. We are genuinely delighted to share this recognition with them.

We owe our success to our partners, supporters, and the entire community that has joined us in this important cause. Together, we can make a significant impact on waste reduction and environmental preservation. Thank you for being a part of our journey towards a sustainable future.